Weaving a canvas of teacher and administrator experiences with UDL adoption and implementation: Tackling the need for practitioner UDL narratives with healthy urgency 

Cases on Effective Universal Design for Learning Implementation across Schools

While the Universal Design for Learning scholarship has been exponentially growing over the last decade, there are still very few K-12 school practitioner narratives published in relation to the UDL adoption process, its ecological complexity, its hurdles, and its contextualized successes.

This call for book chapters is specifically geared towards teachers and school leaders who have experimented with UDL adoption and wish to share the realities of their journey with colleagues.  It will offer a collective narrative which will guide others, offer resources and caveats, and map out a road map for school communities beginning their own experimentation with UDL.

It can be daunting for school practitioners to take the jump and undertake a chapter publication in an academic volume, but I hope to be able to offer personalized editorial support throughout the process in a way that will be empowering and supportive. 

Do not hesitate to share your stories.  The deadline for the submission of proposals is February 10th.  I will in fact be accepting proposals until the end of the weekend.  Submission of final chapters is set for March 30th, but again we can work with individual authors if a little more time is needed.

Submit your proposal through this link:   https://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/5637  

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