Bringing User Experience to the classroom: a UDL conference to watch out for!

The second Pan-Canadian Conference on UDL of its kind will take place this spring at the University of Prince Edward Island.  Mark you calendar and watch-out for the Call for submissions which will be released on Monday January 9th.


Two years ago the first Pan-Canadian Conference on Universal Design for Learning took place at McGill. It was a unanimous success and has set a precedent for regular Canadian academic gatherings to explore the development of UDL and encourage its further promotion. The interest and momentum are growing for UDL across Canada, in both K-12 and post-secondary sectors, and the time has come for UDL practitioners and advocates to come together again to exchange, show case practices and examine the potential for future development.


The intention of the conference is to create an opportunity for practitioners from different sectors, from across the country, to come together, exchange on UDL practices and to share their vision for the future. The Conference also hopes to encourage an interdisciplinary dialogue and to offer participants a multi-faceted overview of current Canadian initiative. To this end, the conference will offer, not just K-12 and post-secondary streams, but also a stream for Student Services and Student Affairs professionals, a stream specifically for Instructional Designers, and a stream showcasing the learner voice. The Conference Organizers also hope to attract UDL practitioners from overseas in order to allow for an emerging International dialogue on UDL implementation and research. The theme of the conference also seeks to create a bridge between the UDL discourse and the User Experience (UX) literature, and welcomes participants from the community at large.


K-12Teachers and leaders

Post-secondary – Instructors and researchers

Instructional designers – within higher ed or working in the private sector

Student Services and Student Affairs – Accessibility Services but also all units


Format & Keynotes

The conference will open on Wed 31st in the evening with a Keynote and a short reception. Break-out sessions will be spread throughout Thursday June 1st and Friday June 2nd. The conference will close on Friday afternoon with a Group Keynote from 3 to 4.15 pm, featuring a ‘What next?’ presentation from a speaker from each stream.

The cost of registration will be $250 for the full conference, and a limited number of one day registrations will be on offer at the cost of $150.

Venue and Setting

The second pan-Canadian Conference on UDL is hosted by the Faculty of Education, UPEI and will take place on campus at UPEI. The Organizers will provide participants with a list of featured, recommended accommodation in Charlottetown. Arrangements are also being made for accommodation in residence to be available as an option.

Call for Submissions

A detailed call for submission will be released on January 9th, 2017. Watch this space!


There will be opportunities for exhibitors to showcase their products and services. If you are interested and wish to become an exhibitor, please contact Cathy Rose at

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